I am finally learning to drive. The machine,a blue Maruti 800 with big red ‘L’ signs cohered to each and every side of it. (A common man would never be so wildly artistic with his car,so I leave it to your intelligence to presume that the car belongs to a training school.) And i am off. Shaky launches,abrupt engine stalls and indecisive turns of the steering wheel to be begin with; they all ease out with time spent behind the steering. The fact that the car proclaims ‘L’ so loudly is actually a blessing in disguise. You are treated like an unrivaled king of the road with everyone giving way to redundant road space for their own safety. I was thoroughly enjoying my “King of the Road” status when something just shattered my KING status and out of nowhere,came right in front of me . Though the car was steered to safety, I was still cursing the larcenous demolisher of my VIP status. The thought of teaching him a lesson brushed past my mind until I realized that it won’t have any effect on the COW. Yes, it was a COW, unfortunately illiterate to distinguish between regular and learner cars. All they know is the fact that the place where they park their ass belongs to them. I drove off sincerely hoping that ‘literate’ and ‘illiterate’ users of the road do not clash again.

P.S. Driving skills improving day by day.

P.S.Still wary of cattle.Brakes are applied instantly whenever seen ruminating on the road.